Our Planning Department at Agnoli, Barber & Brundage provides a wide range of planning services. We focus on exceptional client service, and providing an unparalleled range of land planning consulting services
Our planning staff has extensive experience and personal connections with both the private and public sector throughout Southwest Florida. Increasingly complex public policy and regulatory requirements demand experienced interpretations and innovative approaches. Through the coordination with our Engineering, Surveying, Landscape Architecture and Design Teams we produce projects that exceed market demands.
Our Planning Services include:
Due Diligence/Feasibility Studies • Rezonings/Planned Developments Applications
Site Specific Comprehensive Plan Amendments • Land Development Regulations Amendments
Comprehensive Plan Updates • Conditional Use/Special Exceptions/Variances
Community Planning Studies • Neighborhood Outreach • Expert Witness Testimony
Representative Land Development Projects:
The Nest of SWFL RPD/CPD
Corkscrew CPD and CPA
Mediterra – PUD amendment *
Promenade at Bayshore CRA
Rodina Sector Plan
Southwest Hendry County Sector Plan
The Brooks
Shadow Wood Preserve
Wolf Creek PUD/PDI
Germain Honda PUD
Germain Toyota PUD
North Collier Regional Park – Conditional Use
Goodland Boat Park Rezone
Collier Tract 22 DRI
Old Collier Golf Club PUD
6 L’s Farms Zoning Review
Mirasol Land Planning
Buckingham 225 – Horse Creek
Twin Eagles Phase II
Representative Community Planning:
Wheeler Estates Community Plan and Land Development Regulations
Montura Ranch Estates Land Use Study, Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Land Development Regulations
Airglades Airport Area Land Development Plan Study
Transportation Infrastructure Analysis for the Area Surrounding Airglades Airport
West S.R. 80 Corridor Plan
Hendry County Comprehensive Plan Update