The Old Collier
Golf Club
The Old Collier Golf Club was created for its members, a limited number of individuals who appreciate the traditions of the game of golf and who enjoy each other’s company. Tucked alongside the Cocohatchee River in the very heart of town, the club is perhaps the best kept secret west of US 41 in North Naples. Only minutes from the center of Naples, the Club has become an environmental sanctuary. Club members share its 267 acres with a wide variety of wildlife, including eagles, osprey, foxes, gopher tortoises and the occasional bull gator. This parcel of land was owned by the Collier family for nearly a century. As the last remaining “in-town” large tract of land, the family wanted to develop something special. Thus, the Old Collier Golf Course. Upon completion, the project was the first local course awarded the Audubon Gold Sanctuary designation. The development of this project had many challenges such as offsite drainage issues, OFW receiving waters, mangroves, gopher tortoise and other listed species issues. One factor that proved to be the largest solution was obtaining irrigation water. Due to its proximity to saline water, coupled with Collier County’s lack of a reclaimed water source, the best option was to use salt tolerant turf. This project was the first to use this turf irrigated with brackish lower Hawthorn water as well as water drawn directly from the Cocohatchee River.
Services Provided:
Landscape design
ALTA Survey
Site Plan Analysis & Design
Site Civil Engineering