City of Naples
Pump Stations
City of Naples Pump Station 6
The project involved replacing a 1960s era dry well sanitary pump station with a modern designed submersible pump station. The work reused the existing wet well and rehabilitated it with liner and sealing. The control panel was replaced and included VFD controls. The proximity of this station to existing homes was addressed through the use of landscaping.
City of Naples Pump Station 17
The project involved replacing a 1960s era dry well sanitary pump station with a modern designed submersible pump station. Included in the work was the conversion of the wet well into a manhole and 184’ of new gravity line necessary to route flows to the new station and 120’ of 6” force main. Demolition of the existing facility was also included in the work as specified in the plans.
Services Provided:
As-Built Survey
Alternatives Analysis
Construction Plans
Bidding Assistance
Construction Services
FDEP Certification